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New Telephone Call-Back Service

This practice now offers a ‘Call-Back’ service following an upgrade to our telephone systems. From the 20th of December you will hear a message which will tell you how to request a call back. However, you will still have the option to remain on the line if you need an urgent appointment.  Please note however, that if you ask for a call back, you will need to be available to answer your telephone as we are unable to make multiple calls. If you miss the call, you will need to call the surgery back.

To make an appointment booking online you will need to be a patient of the Practice. You will need to register through the Patient Access interface. EMIS Web is the computer system the Practice moved to use in Sept 2013. 

Once registered you will be able to book, cancel or amend appointments online up to one month in advance. 


Please note - not all appointments are available online. Contact reception if you cannot find one to suit your needs.

Also note - When you book an appointment online our receptionists will not have had an opportunity to talk to you. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time in case there are administrative tasks that the receptionists need to go through with you prior to your appointment.



How to see a Doctor

How to see a Nurse

Telephone Consultations

Need a Visit?

You may make an appointment by telephone, in person or online (see the link above.

You are welcome to see any doctor. Please let us know if you prefer to see one of us in particular.

If you require a routine appointment for a problem of a non-urgent nature, please help by giving as much notice as possible.

Urgent cases will be seen on the same day, but not necessarily by the doctor of choice. Even if all appointments have been taken arrangements will be made to fit in urgent cases. Please let our receptionists know if you have such urgent need. The earlier in the day you ring, the more chance there is of our being able to see you.

If you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel as early as possible. Failure to attend prevents someone else from doing so.

We believe that the best way for us to answer your clinical queries or conserns is for you to make an appointment for a consultation. All consultations with the doctors are by appointment. Even in an urgent "fit in" situations, consultations are organised "by arrangement".

Please don't e-mail or fax requests for appointments as we can't guarentee to receive your request in time.

Consultations are available at the surgery throughout the day between 8.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday.

Routine consultations are also available for some Extended Hours.

In additon to normal Surgeries, appointments can be made for the following extra services:

Ante-Natal Clinic
Tuesday from 9.15 am Maternity Services are provided by the Community Midwives and the Doctors.

Health Promotion
Well man and well woman checks, advice regarding chronic disease, diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, heart and chest disease prevention (including Diabetes, Asthma and COPD) are available from our Practice Nurses.

Well Baby Clinic
Wednesday 1.30 pm Including childhood immunisations and developmental assessments.

Women’s Checks
All Doctors provide smear tests, post natal checks, gynaecological examinations etc., by prior arrangement.

Contraception Advice
Is available from the Doctors and the Practice Nurse, SR Daly, during normal consultation times.

Smear Tests
Are available from the Doctors in normal surgery, by prior arrangement. Cervical smear tests are also available from our Practice Nurses.

Holiday Vaccinations
Where possible please make initial contact with our Practice Nurses who has access to up-to-date information on travel requirements. A vaccination programme will then be arranged.

Private Medical Examinations
For insurance, driving, sports etc., are available from the Doctors by prior arrangement.

Diet Advice
is available from our Practice Nurse. Also, there is a Dietician attached to the Practice, to whom the Doctors or Nurse can make a referral if needed.

Diabetes / Respiratory Patients
The Practice has systems involving the Practice Nurses and Doctors in surgery to give diabetic and respiratory patients access to the special care required by their conditions (including Spirometry lung checks).

New Patient Health Checks
All newly Registered patients are welcome to come for a routine Health Check with our Practice Nurses.

Minor Surgery
Cautery and some soft tissue or joint injections are available at varying times depending on demand, or during normal surgery by prior arrangement.

You may make an appointment with Sr Julie Daly by telephone or in person.

If you require a routine appointment for a problem of a non-urgent nature, please help by giving as much notice as possible.

If you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel as early as possible. Failure to attend prevents someone else from doing so.

Julie alternates early weeks with late weeks and consultations are available Monday to Friday:

           8.30am  to  4.00pm


          10.00am  to  6.00pm

We have been told by our patients that there are many occasions where patients don't want to make an appointment but just need to have a quick word about something or to clarify something. We are introducing Telephone Consultations to deal with this.

To book a Telephone Consultation you will need to ring as early in the day as possible, leave a telephone number to be contacted upon and be available during a time window (our receptionists will explain). Also, you will need to tell the receptionist broadly the purpose of the call as somethings cannot be done over the telephone. In the latter circumstance you may receive a call back asking you to make an appointment.

If you need to see a Doctor but are housebound, you may request a home visit by telephone or by sending a fully informed messenger to the surgery.

Requests for home visits for both urgent and non-urgent problems should be made before 10.00 am (wherever possible).

Requests for home visits for urgent problems that arise after 10.00 am should be made as early as possible to avoid delay.

Requests for home visits will not be unreasonably refused but it may not always be possible for the Doctor of your choice to attend personally.

Please don't e-mail or fax requests for home visits as we can't guarantee to receive your request in time to respond safely.

Please note that the doctors can see four or five patients at the Surgery in the time it takes for them to undertake one home visit. Therefore, in line with nationally accepted standards of excellence, home visits are only available to you when it is otherwise not possible for you to get yourself to the Surgery due to illness or disability. Requests for home visits will not be accepted purely for reasons of social convenience.